Journey Home Hospice – Windsor-Essex

The Windsor-Essex Story

Journey Home Hospice officially launched its first satellite hospice in November 2022.

We know that Canadians want to live and die at home, in their communities, surrounded by familiar locations, and loved ones. Journey Home Hospice launched in 2018 in the Toronto region, operated by Saint Elizabeth Foundation.

Responding to a growing need for services to assist people in the Windsor-Essex region experiencing homelessness and vulnerable housing, the new Journey Home Hospice satellite consists of a three-bed residential hospice, hosted by Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario (ALSO) with assistance from the City of Windsor.

Similar to our Toronto location, the satellite hospice is operated and funded by the Saint Elizabeth Foundation. Our model of care is also the same: providing our patients with high quality health care services and a safe, welcoming and caring environment for their end-of-life journey. A place based in the community, for the community.

Unlike other hospices in Canada, the satellite location of Journey Home Hospice does not receive any funding for clinical services or other costs of care from the provincial government, relying entirely upon the generosity of the community to provide services for people in need.

Make a Referral:

Journey Home Hospice Windsor accepts self-referrals and direct referrals from shelters, social services, clinicians, hospitals, and more. To make a referral, please contact:

Felicia Kontopidis, RN
Director of Care
Phone: 905-940-9655 ext. 141757
Fax: 416-619-5167

Volunteer with Us:

We need your help! Volunteers are needed to provide companionship, assist with patients, and provide support to the hospice. All are welcome! Please email to inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Please Donate:

Unlike other hospices, Journey Home Hospice Windsor does not receive government funding for clinical services and other costs of care. We rely on the generosity of the community to support our hospice.

Journey Home Hospice Windsor is operated by the Saint Elizabeth Foundation. Your donation will be restricted for use in the local community.
Charitable Registration Number 88472-6753-RR0001.

Mail Cheques Payable to “Journey Home Hospice Windsor” to:
Saint Elizabeth Foundation
90 Allstate Parkway, Suite 800
Markham, ON  L3R 6H3
Phone: 519.962.6200

Click Here to Donate Online