At Journey Home Hospice, we provide high-quality, responsive, and respectful care to patients experiencing homelessness and structural vulnerability at end-of-life. Our holistic model of care honours the physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects of person-centred care. We embrace life care and help our patients to meet their individual milestones and goals along their end-of-life journey. All programs and services are available at no cost and care plans are created co-operatively between patients and our interdisciplinary team.
Spiritual Care & Bereavement Services
Journey Home Hospice aims to help patients and their loved ones deal with the complex emotions they may experience and answer questions they may have during this difficult time in their lives. By listening with empathy and understanding, our bereavement and spiritual care professionals can offer valuable support. Spiritual care providers can also help ensure any rituals, services or traditions that are important to the patient are observed, often involving faith leaders from the surrounding community when requested by patients.
Bereavement services following the death of a patient are also extended to loved ones by our spiritual care and bereavement team. Spiritual care can be critical in healing emotionally and physically following grief or a difficult loss.

Complementary Therapies & Psychosocial Services
Our complementary therapies and psychosocial services are provided at no cost to patients and families at Journey Home Hospice. Social workers provide support to patients therapeutically and emotionally, while also assisting with necessary arrangements such as advanced care directives, appointing substitute decision makers, and much more.
Proven to decrease stress and improve quality of life, we also offer complementary therapies such as music therapy, art therapy, aromatherapy, therapeutic touch, Reiki and psychotherapy to enhance our patient’s journeys. We are proud to have holistic services that truly address the physical, spiritual and psychosocial needs of all of our residents.

Volunteer Programs
After completing an intensive training course that includes both palliative care fundamentals and enhanced training in trauma-informed, culturally safe, and harm-reducing approaches to care specifically designed to meet the needs of our patient population, volunteers become an essential part of the interdisciplinary team. Giving generously of their time and talents, our volunteers bring caring kindness and helping hands to create a home-like atmosphere when it is most needed. Hospice volunteers provide companionship for patients, shop for groceries, prepare meals, accompany patients to medical or personal appointments and more.

Visiting Dog Support
We are always looking for innovative and positive ways to support our patients! The Saint Elizabeth Foundation Elizz Paws program invites volunteers and their dogs to share comforting canine affection to patients at Journey Home Hospice. Visits from Elizz Paws volunteers and dogs regularly result in smiles, comfort, and bring hope and happiness.